Volume 592 Number 7854



    array:5 [
      14 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#12744
        #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection"
        #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection"
        #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#12758
          #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal"
          #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal"
          #_name: null
          #_shortname: null
          #_frequence: null
          #_openAccess: null
          #_launchDate: null
          #_type: null
          #_category: null
          #_paywall: null
          #_adddate: null
          #_moddate: null
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          #_lazyLoaded: true
          #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#12759
            #_attribs: []
            #_decorators: array:3 [
              "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2]
              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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            #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false
            #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: []
            #_displayGroups: []
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              0 => "Composite"
            #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [
              0 => array:3 [ …3]
              1 => array:3 [ …3]
            #_elements: array:11 [
              "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12762 …30}
              "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12766 …30}
              "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12770 …30}
              "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12774 …30}
              "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12778 …30}
              "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#12782 …35}
              "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12786 …34}
              "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12790 …34}
              "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12794 …30}
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              "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#12802 …35}
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              "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12760 …4}
              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12761 …4}
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              0 => "delete"
              1 => "get"
              2 => "post"
              3 => "put"
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              "open_access" => null
              "paywall" => null
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              "category" => null
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          -_unixTimestamp: "1343791229"
          -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo"
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          -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo"
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        #_lastEditedBy: NPG_System_Model_Record_User {#12756
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          #_lastname: null
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          #_lastLogin: null
          #_lastFailedLogin: null
          #_nFailedLogin: 0
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          #_moddate: null
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              "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2]
              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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              0 => "Composite"
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              0 => array:3 [ …3]
              1 => array:3 [ …3]
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              "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12907 …30}
              "firstname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12911 …30}
              "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12915 …30}
              "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#12919 …31}
              "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12924 …30}
              "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12929 …30}
              "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12933 …30}
              "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12937 …34}
              "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12941 …34}
              "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12945 …30}
              "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12949 …30}
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              "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12905 …4}
              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12906 …4}
            #_methods: array:4 [
              0 => "delete"
              1 => "get"
              2 => "post"
              3 => "put"
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              "lastname" => null
              "password" => null
              "last_login" => null
              "last_failed_login" => null
              "n_failed_login" => null
              "banned" => null
              "deleted" => null
              "adddate" => null
              "moddate" => null
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              "options" => null
            "HtmlTag" => array:2 [
              "decorator" => "HtmlTag"
              "options" => array:2 [ …2]
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              "decorator" => "Form"
              "options" => null
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            0 => array:3 [
              "prefix" => "NPG_Validate"
              "path" => "NPG/Validate/"
              "type" => "validate"
            1 => array:3 [
              "prefix" => "NPG_Filter"
              "path" => "NPG/Filter/"
              "type" => "filter"
          #_elements: array:11 [
            "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12809
              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12813
              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_value: null
              #_view: null
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            "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12817
              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_isError: false
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            "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12821
              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_isArray: false
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              #_order: null
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12825
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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            "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12829
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_translator: null
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12833
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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              #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false
            "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12837
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_isArray: false
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              #_translator: null
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12841
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_validatorRules: []
              #_value: null
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            "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12845
              +checked: false
              +helper: "formCheckbox"
              +options: array:2 [ …2]
              #_checkedValue: "1"
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              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_name: "present_in_toc"
              #_order: null
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
              #_type: null
              #_validators: array:1 [ …1]
              #_validatorRules: []
              #_view: null
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              #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false
            "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12849
              +checked: false
              +helper: "formCheckbox"
              +options: array:2 [ …2]
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              #_ignore: false
              #_isArray: false
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              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_order: null
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              #_type: null
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12807
              #_loadedPluginPaths: []
              #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3]
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            "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12808
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              #_loadedPlugins: []
              #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2]
              #_useStaticRegistry: null
          #_methods: array:4 [
            0 => "delete"
            1 => "get"
            2 => "post"
            3 => "put"
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            "adddate" => null
            "moddate" => null
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            "shortname" => null
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          "journal_id" => "14"
          "last_edited_by" => "1"
      24 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#12855
        #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection"
        #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection"
        #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#12857
          #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal"
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          #_shortname: null
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          #_launchDate: null
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          #_category: null
          #_paywall: null
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            #_attribs: []
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              "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2]
              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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              0 => "Composite"
            #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [
              0 => array:3 [ …3]
              1 => array:3 [ …3]
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              "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12902 …30}
              "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12898 …30}
              "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#12894 …30}
              "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12890 …30}
              "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12886 …30}
              "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#12883 …35}
              "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12879 …34}
              "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12874 …34}
              "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12870 …30}
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              "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#12862 …35}
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              "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12904 …4}
              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12903 …4}
            #_methods: array:4 [
              0 => "delete"
              1 => "get"
              2 => "post"
              3 => "put"
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              "moddate" => null
              "last_edited_by" => null
              "name" => null
              "shortname" => null
              "frequence" => null
              "open_access" => null
              "paywall" => null
              "launch_date" => null
              "type" => null
              "category" => null
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          #_nFailedLogin: 0
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              "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2]
              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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              0 => "Composite"
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              0 => array:3 [ …3]
              1 => array:3 [ …3]
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              "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13055 …30}
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              "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13063 …30}
              "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#13067 …31}
              "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13072 …30}
              "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13077 …30}
              "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13081 …30}
              "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13085 …34}
              "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13089 …34}
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              "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13097 …30}
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              "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13053 …4}
              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13054 …4}
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              0 => "delete"
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              2 => "post"
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              "moddate" => null
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              "path" => "NPG/Validate/"
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              "path" => "NPG/Filter/"
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              +helper: "formHidden"
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              +helper: "formHidden"
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              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_order: null
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12973
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_order: null
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              #_translator: null
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12981
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#12985
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_isArray: false
              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_order: null
              #_required: false
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_translatorDisabled: false
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            "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12993
              +checked: false
              +helper: "formCheckbox"
              +options: array:2 [ …2]
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_errors: []
              #_errorMessageSeparator: "; "
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              #_name: "present_in_toc"
              #_order: null
              #_required: true
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
              #_type: null
              #_validators: array:1 [ …1]
              #_validatorRules: []
              #_view: null
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            "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#12997
              +checked: false
              +helper: "formCheckbox"
              +options: array:2 [ …2]
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              #_errorMessages: []
              #_errors: []
              #_errorMessageSeparator: "; "
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              #_ignore: false
              #_isArray: false
              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_name: "exportable"
              #_order: null
              #_required: true
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
              #_type: null
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12955
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              #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3]
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            "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#12956
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              #_loadedPlugins: []
              #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2]
              #_useStaticRegistry: null
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            0 => "delete"
            1 => "get"
            2 => "post"
            3 => "put"
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            "moddate" => null
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            "journal_id" => null
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            "plural_name" => null
            "shortname" => null
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      30 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#13003
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              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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              0 => array:3 [ …3]
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              "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13042 …30}
              "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13038 …30}
              "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13034 …30}
              "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#13031 …35}
              "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13027 …34}
              "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13022 …34}
              "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13018 …30}
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              "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#13010 …35}
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              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13051 …4}
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              0 => "delete"
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              2 => "post"
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              "open_access" => null
              "paywall" => null
              "launch_date" => null
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              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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              "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#13215 …31}
              "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13220 …30}
              "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13225 …30}
              "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13229 …30}
              "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13233 …34}
              "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13237 …34}
              "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13241 …30}
              "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13245 …30}
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              "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13201 …4}
              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13202 …4}
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              0 => "delete"
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              2 => "post"
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              "firstname" => null
              "lastname" => null
              "password" => null
              "last_login" => null
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              "decorator" => "HtmlTag"
              "options" => array:2 [ …2]
            "Form" => array:2 [
              "decorator" => "Form"
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              "path" => "NPG/Validate/"
              "type" => "validate"
            1 => array:3 [
              "prefix" => "NPG_Filter"
              "path" => "NPG/Filter/"
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              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13109
              +helper: "formHidden"
              #_allowEmpty: true
              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13113
              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_errors: []
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              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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            "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13117
              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_isError: false
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              #_order: null
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13121
              +helper: "formText"
              #_allowEmpty: true
              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_errorMessageSeparator: "; "
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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            "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13125
              +helper: "formText"
              #_allowEmpty: true
              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_isArray: false
              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_order: null
              #_required: false
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
              #_type: null
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13129
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_isErrorForced: false
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              #_name: "shortname"
              #_order: null
              #_required: false
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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              #_validatorRules: []
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              #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false
            "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13133
              +helper: "formText"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_errors: []
              #_errorMessageSeparator: "; "
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              #_isArray: false
              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
              #_label: "Identifier"
              #_loaders: array:3 [ …3]
              #_messages: []
              #_name: "identifier"
              #_order: null
              #_required: false
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
              #_type: null
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              #_validatorRules: []
              #_value: null
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            "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13137
              +helper: "formText"
              #_allowEmpty: true
              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_errors: []
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              #_isArray: false
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              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
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            "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13141
              +checked: false
              +helper: "formCheckbox"
              +options: array:2 [ …2]
              #_checkedValue: "1"
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              #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true
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              #_errors: []
              #_errorMessageSeparator: "; "
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              #_ignore: false
              #_isArray: false
              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
              #_label: "Present in TOC"
              #_loaders: array:3 [ …3]
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              #_name: "present_in_toc"
              #_order: null
              #_required: true
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
              #_type: null
              #_validators: array:1 [ …1]
              #_validatorRules: []
              #_view: null
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            "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13145
              +checked: false
              +helper: "formCheckbox"
              +options: array:2 [ …2]
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              #_description: null
              #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false
              #_errorMessages: []
              #_errors: []
              #_errorMessageSeparator: "; "
              #_filters: []
              #_ignore: false
              #_isArray: false
              #_isError: false
              #_isErrorForced: false
              #_label: "Exportable"
              #_loaders: array:3 [ …3]
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              #_name: "exportable"
              #_order: null
              #_required: true
              #_translator: null
              #_translatorDisabled: false
              #_type: null
              #_validators: array:1 [ …1]
              #_validatorRules: []
              #_view: null
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              #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false
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            "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13103
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              #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3]
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            "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13104
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              #_loadedPlugins: []
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            0 => "delete"
            1 => "get"
            2 => "post"
            3 => "put"
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            "moddate" => null
            "last_edited_by" => null
            "journal_id" => null
            "name" => null
            "plural_name" => null
            "shortname" => null
            "identifier" => null
            "toc_order" => null
            "present_in_toc" => null
            "exportable" => null
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          "journal_id" => "14"
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      27 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#13151
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              "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2]
              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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              "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13194 …30}
              "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13190 …30}
              "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13186 …30}
              "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13182 …30}
              "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#13179 …35}
              "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13175 …34}
              "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13170 …34}
              "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13166 …30}
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              "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#13158 …35}
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              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13199 …4}
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              0 => "delete"
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              2 => "post"
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              "moddate" => null
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              "name" => null
              "shortname" => null
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              "open_access" => null
              "paywall" => null
              "launch_date" => null
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              "category" => null
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          -_unixTimestamp: "1343791230"
          -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo"
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          -_locale: "en_US"
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          -_unixTimestamp: "1344460508"
          -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo"
          -_offset: -32400
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          #_lastFailedLogin: null
          #_nFailedLogin: 0
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              "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2]
              "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2]
              "Form" => array:2 [ …2]
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              0 => "Composite"
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              "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13359 …30}
              "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#13363 …31}
              "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13368 …30}
              "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13373 …30}
              "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13377 …30}
              "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13381 …34}
              "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#13385 …34}
              "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13389 …30}
              "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#13393 …30}
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              "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13349 …4}
              "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#13350 …4}
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              0 => "delete"
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              2 => "post"
              3 => "put"
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              "firstname" => null
              "lastname" => null
              "password" => null
              "last_login" => null
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              "n_failed_login" => null
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              "moddate" => null
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            "HtmlTag" => array:2 [
              "decorator" => "HtmlTag"
              "options" => array:2 [ …2]
            "Form" => array:2 [
              "decorator" => "Form"
              "options" => null
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            0 => array:3 [
              "prefix" => "NPG_Validate"
              "path" => "NPG/Validate/"
              "type" => "validate"
            1 => array:3 [
              "prefix" => "NPG_Filter"
              "path" => "NPG/Filter/"
              "type" => "filter"
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              +helper: "formHidden"
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            "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13257
              +helper: "formHidden"
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              #_validatorRules: []
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            "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13261
              +helper: "formHidden"
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            "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#13265
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The United States can help the IMF to rethink how it lends p.325

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Funders, now is the time to invest big in COVID drugs p.326

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ミューオンの異常磁気能率(g − 2)実験で、理論とのずれが改めて確認され、標準理論が覆る可能性も。

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Oldest DNA from a Homo sapiens reveals surprisingly recent Neanderthal ancestry p.339

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News Features


The race for antiviral drugs to beat COVID — and the next pandemic p.340


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News & Views


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