
ヒト幹細胞由来の脳様組織が、生後間もないラットの脳に組み込まれて、そのラットの行動に影響を与えたという研究結果を報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。この知見で、ヒト神経精神疾患の現実的なモデルを作成する能力が向上する可能性がある。
今回の研究で、Sergiu Pașcaたちは、ヒトの脳オルガノイドをラット新生仔の脳の体性感覚皮質に移植した。体性感覚皮質は、体のあちこちから触覚などの感覚情報を受け取って処理する領域だ。この実験で、オルガノイドは成熟し、その一部が神経回路に統合され、ラットの脳内で機能性を示した。Pașcaたちは、この統合によってヒト細胞の活動とラットの学習行動の関連性を樹立し、移植されたニューロンがラットのニューロンの活性を調節し、報酬探索行動を推進できるかもしれないことを示した。また、オルガノイドのニューロン群は、ラットのヒゲを屈曲すると活性を示した。このことは、移植されたニューロンが感覚刺激に応答できることを示している。さらにティモシー症候群(心臓疾患に関連する重篤な遺伝性疾患)の患者3人に由来する細胞を移植したところ、特定のニューロンの異常が明確に示され、この移植技術が、これまで知られていなかった疾患の特徴を明らかにする能力を有することも示された。
Human stem cell-derived brain-like tissue is found to integrate with the brains of newborn rats and influence behaviour, reports a Nature paper. The findings may improve our ability to produce realistic models of human neuropsychiatric diseases.
Brain organoids, made from human stem cells, represent a promising platform to model human development and disease. However, organoids grown outside of the body lack the connectivity that exists in real-life organisms, which limits their maturation and prevents them from integrating with other neuronal circuits that control behaviour. This therefore limits the ability of organoids to model genetically complex and behaviourally defined neuropsychiatric diseases. Previous research has attempted to implant human brain organoids into adult rat brains, but these cells did not mature successfully.
Sergiu Pașca and colleagues transplanted human brain organoids into the somatosensory cortex of newborn rat brains, the area responsible for receiving and processing sensory information, such as touch, from across the body. They found that the organoids matured, partially integrated into neural circuits, and demonstrated functionality in rodent brains. This integration allowed the authors to establish links between the activity of human cells and learned animal behaviour, demonstrating that the transplanted neurons could modulate rat neuronal activity and drive reward-seeking behaviour. Additionally, a group of neurons in the organoid showed activity when the authors deflected the whiskers of the rats, which indicates that the transplanted neurons can respond to sensory stimulation. The authors also found that when transplanting cells derived from three patients with Timothy syndrome — a severe genetic disease associated with heart problems — specific neuronal defects were highlighted, demonstrating the ability of this transplantation technique to reveal disease characteristics that were previously unknown.
This technique could represent a powerful resource to complement laboratory studies of human brain development and disease, the authors suggest. Future research may allow us to uncover disease characteristics in patient-derived cells that were otherwise elusive.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05277-w
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