【材料科学】複雑な形状のガラス構造物を3D プリンターで作る

ガラスには、電気絶縁性、断熱性と抜群の光透過性など数々の有用な特性がある。特に溶融シリカガラスのような高純度ガラスを使って特注の構造物を作製することは、高い加工温度と刺激の強い化学薬品が必要なために難度の高い作業になっている。このほど新しい手法を開発したBastian Rappたちの研究グループは、標準的な3Dプリンターに「液体ガラス」と呼ばれる自由流動性のシリカナノ複合材料を使って複雑な形状を作製した上で、熱処理を行って光学的品質の高い溶融シリカガラス構造物を作製することで、こうした問題点を克服した。この構造物は、表面が滑らかで、透明で、数十マイクロメートルの微小な形状まで作り込むことができる。
High-quality, intricate glass shapes, like tiny pretzels or castles, can be manufactured using standard 3D printing technology, reports a study in Nature this week. The technique can produce structures of high optical quality that may be suitable for the design of complex lenses and filters.
Glass has a number of useful properties, including electrical and thermal insulation, and unmatched optical transparency. Creating bespoke structures, especially from high-purity glasses such as fused silica glass, is difficult owing to the need for high processing temperatures and/or harsh chemicals. The new technique, devised by Bastian Rapp and colleagues, overcomes this issue by using a free-flowing silica nanocomposite called ‘liquid glass’ in a standard 3D printer to produce complex shapes that are then heat-treated to produce optical-quality, fused silica glass structures. These structures are smooth, transparent, and have features as small as a few tens of micrometres.
The new technique produces surfaces with sufficient clarity and reflectivity for a range of optical applications. The process also helps to make one of the oldest known materials accessible to twenty-first-century 3D printing techniques, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/nature22061
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