
真核生物は、細胞内の核とその周囲にある数多くのミトコンドリア(エネルギーを産生する小器官)の2か所にDNAを貯蔵している。今回、Jose Antonio Enriquezたちは、同じ核DNAを有するがミトコンドリアDNAが異なっている数々のマウスの系統を特別に作製して研究を行った。これらのマウスの幼若期には明白な影響がほとんど見られなかった一方、老化すると、ミトコンドリアの機能、インスリンシグナル伝達、肥満と老化に関連する指標(例えば、テロメアの短縮)に差が生じることがわかった。こうした差は、マウスの健康と寿命に両方に影響していた。
Subtle variations in the sequence of mitochondrial DNA can have profound effects on metabolism and ageing, suggests a study in mice published this week in Nature. The finding could have implications for the field of mitochondrial replacement therapy.
Eukaryotic organisms have two repositories of DNA: the nucleus and the many energy-generating mitochondria that surround it in the cell. Jose Antonio Enriquez and colleagues studied specially bred strains of mice that have the same nuclear DNA but different mitochondrial DNA. When the animals were young, there was little obvious effect, but as they aged, the authors noticed differences in mitochondrial function, insulin signalling, obesity and age-related measures including telomere shortening. These differences affected both the health and lifespan of the animals.
Mitochondrial replacement therapy has the potential to prevent the transmission of faulty mitochondrial genes from mother to child and to improve fertility by ‘rejuvenating’ eggs, but the long term effects of ‘mix and matching’ nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from different sources are unknown. With non-disease-causing mitochondrial variants now shown to influence health, the study highlights a need for caution. The authors suggest that in the future, consideration should be given to using donor mitochondrial DNA that is a close genetic match to that of the recipient.
doi: 10.1038/nature18618
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