
今回、Martin Bullaの研究グループは、渉禽類32種の729個の巣から得たデータを解析して20年間にわたるモニタリングを行い、これらの渉禽類がどのようにして自分の日課を同期させて交代で抱卵しているのかを解明した。この交代パターンは、環境条件が類似していても、種によって大きく異なっていた。いずれかの親による1回の抱卵は1~19時間と時間的に大きな幅があったが、近縁種間では類似性が認められた。両親がそれぞれのリズムを同期するやり方は、鳥類が捕食者をかわすやり方と関係があると思われる、とBullaたちは指摘している。捕食者を積極的に襲う鳥類は、1回の抱卵時間が短くなる傾向がある一方、隠蔽擬態によって捕食者を回避する鳥類は、抱卵時間が長く、巣の場所を捕食者に気づかれないようにするのがその理由だと推測されている。
When it comes to sharing parental responsibilities, birds adapt their behaviour to take shifts to look after their nests, but this behaviour varies widely between different species, finds a study published online in Nature this week. In most cases, this behaviour circumvents natural circadian rhythms governed by the 24-hour light-dark cycles. Instead, it seems that the shift patterns are driven by anti-predation strategies.
Martin Bulla and colleagues analyse data from 729 nests of 32 different shorebird species, monitored over a period of 20 years, to understand how these birds synchronize their daily schedules to take turns in incubating the eggs. Patterns vary widely between species, even under similar environmental conditions. The length of one parent’s incubation bout ranges from 1 to 19 hours, but similarities are observed in closely related species. The way in which the two parents synchronize their rhythms seems to be linked to how the birds fend off predators, the authors note. Birds that actively mob predators tended to have shorter incubation bouts, whereas those that rely on camouflage incubate for longer, presumably to avoid revealing the location of their nests to predators.
The variation in synchronized social rhythms observed in these free-living animals is far more diverse than is seen under laboratory conditions and shows that social cues can have a stronger influence on certain behaviours than the circadian clock.
doi: 10.1038/nature20563
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