
花粉媒介昆虫を奪い合う状況になると、植物種の共存能力低下という効果が生じるという結論を示した論文が、Nature に掲載される。この効果は、植物の多様性に影響を与える可能性があり、花粉媒介者の数が減るにつれて強まると予想されている。
今回、Christopher Johnsonたちは、このように対照的な影響が生じる可能性を調べるため、5種類の一年生顕花植物種(ケシ、ヤグルマギク、クロタネソウ属の植物種を含む)を圃場で栽培する実験を行った。この圃場では、これらの植物の栽培密度を徐々に変化させて、花粉媒介環境を操作した。これらの植物については、通常の環境レベルの花粉媒介者にさらすか、補助的な人工受粉(それによって植物種間での花粉媒介者の奪い合いを減少させる)による支援を実施した。その結果、花粉媒介者をめぐる競争があると、植物種間の相互作用が不安定化し、そのために共存する植物種が減少した。また、植物と花粉媒介者の相互作用が、植物種間の競争上の不均衡の一因になっていた。この競争上の不均衡は、花粉媒介者の減少によって悪化していくとJohnsonたちは予想している。さらに、花粉媒介者の減少を促進した実験では、花粉媒介者の花への訪問回数が急激に減った植物種が、個体群成長率を大きく減らしたことが明らかになった。
Competition for pollinating insects may reduce the ability of plant species to coexist, according to a paper published in Nature. This effect, which may impact plant diversity, is expected to be heightened as the number of pollinators decreases.
The observed global decline of pollinators has incited the need to better understand their role in maintaining plant diversity. Ecological theory predicts that increased competition for pollinators may increase plant diversity, by providing a context that forces plants to adapt and establish their own, unique niches. However, competition may instead result in some species being excluded from their niches, paradoxically decreasing diversity in a community.
To address these potential contrasting effects, Christopher Johnson and colleagues manipulated the pollination environment of five annual flowering plant species (including poppies, cornflowers and wild fennel) grown in a field whereby plant density was made to vary along a gradient. Plants were either exposed to normal environmental levels of pollinators or aided by supplementary hand pollination (thereby reducing the competition for pollinators between plant species). The authors reveal that competition for pollinators destabilized interactions between plant species, resulting in fewer species coexisting together. Plant–pollinator interactions contributed towards competitive imbalances between plant species — an effect that the authors expect will be further exacerbated by declining pollinator levels. Experimental stimulation of pollinator decline furthermore revealed that plant species with a sharper drop in pollinator visits to their flowers also experienced larger declines in population growth rate.
The authors conclude that these findings reveal how interactions between plant species can be weakened and competitive imbalances intensified as plants compete for pollinator attention. This information, they state, will be invaluable for determining the ecological consequences of pollinator decline.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04973-x
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