
アフリカ大陸のカメルーン西部に位置するシュム=ラカ遺跡は、中央アフリカ西部の先史時代(後期更新世と完新世)を研究するうえで重要な考古学的遺跡で、バンツー語の発祥地と考えられている草原にある。今回、David Reich、Mark Lipsonたちの研究チームは、この遺跡に埋葬されていた4人の子ども(2人が約8000年前、2人が3000年前と年代測定された)の古代DNAを解析し、4人全員の祖先の特徴が、中央アフリカ西部の現代の狩猟採集民の祖先の特徴に最も類似していることを見いだした。この知見は、カメルーン西部の住民とアフリカ大陸全土のバンツー語話者が、これら4人の子どもやその所属集団の子孫ではないことを暗示している。
Analysis of ancient human DNA from western Central Africa offers insights into African population history, including the origin of speakers of the Bantu languages. The findings are reported in this week’s Nature.
Shum Laka in western Cameroon, Africa, is an important archaeological site for the study of Late Pleistocene and Holocene prehistory in western Central Africa. The area is located in the Grassfields region, which is thought to be the homeland of Bantu languages. David Reich, Mark Lipson and colleagues analysed ancient DNA from four children buried at this site (two from around 8,000 years ago and two from around 3,000 years ago, and found that their ancestry profiles are most similar to contemporary hunter-gatherers of western Central Africa. This finding implies that people living in western Cameroon, and speakers of Bantu languages across the continent, are not descended from these individuals or the population they represent.
The genomes also show signs of admixture, implying that the ancestors of these children interbred with individuals from different populations. In addition, three prominent radiations can be discerned, including one around 300,000 to 200,000 years ago, which gave rise to at least four major branches that contribute to present-day populations.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-1929-1
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