
今回、Philip Kraaijenbrinkたちの研究グループは、アジアの高山帯の氷河における気候に新たな限界値を設定することによって生じる影響を評価するため、衛星観測結果とさまざまな気候シナリオ下での氷河の進化モデルを併用した。2015年のパリ協定では、地球温暖化による気温上昇を産業革命以前との比較で摂氏1.5度未満に抑えることに配慮することを195か国が合意した。パリ協定が履行されるというシナリオの下でも2100年にはアジアの高山帯の氷河の質量の約35%が失われ、これよりも極端な気候シナリオの下では、氷河の質量減少がかなり大きくなるとKraaijenbrinkたちは予測している。具体的には、約3.5度の気温上昇で約49%の質量減少、約4度の気温上昇で約51%の質量減少、約6度の気温上昇で約65%の質量減少という予測になっている。こうしたシナリオの下での影響のちがいは、21世紀末の時点で、これらの氷河自体と氷河が山岳地帯のコミュニティーに提供する資源を維持できているか、アジアの氷河の質量の大半が失われるのかのちがいとなって現れるという考えをKraaijenbrinkたちは示している。
Limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels may protect around 65 per cent of the ice stored in glaciers in the high mountains of Asia by the end of the century, reports a study in Nature this week. However, staying below 1.5 degrees of warming is an ambitious goal, and the analysis suggests that up to 65 per cent of mass could be lost under a scenario of continued high rates of greenhouse gas production.
Glaciers in the high mountains of Asia have an important role in the water supply of millions of people living downstream. These glaciers are losing mass and retreating owing to rising temperatures and are warming at rates higher than the global average.
To assess the impacts of the new climate limit on glaciers in the high mountains of Asia, Philip Kraaijenbrink and colleagues combine satellite observations and glacier evolution models under various climate scenarios. Even for the scenario of a successful 2015 Paris Agreement - in which 195 countries agreed to consider limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees - around 35 per cent of glacier mass is predicted to be lost by 2100. Much greater losses are predicted under more extreme climate scenarios, with projected temperature increases of around 3.5 degrees, 4 degrees and 6 degrees, leading to mass losses of approximately 49 per cent, 51 per cent and 65 per cent, respectively. The difference in impact among these scenarios could be the difference between sustaining these glaciers and the resources they provide to mountain communities, or losing the majority of Asia’s glacier ice mass by the end of the century, the authors suggest.
doi: 10.1038/nature23878
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