Research Abstract


Generation of spin currents by surface plasmon resonance

2015年1月8日 Nature Communications 6 : 5910 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6910


K. Uchida, H. Adachi, D. Kikuchi, S. Ito, Z. Qiu, S. Maekawa & E. Saitoh

Corresponding Author

内田 健一
東北大学 金属材料研究所

Surface plasmons, free-electron collective oscillations in metallic nanostructures, provide abundant routes to manipulate light–electron interactions that can localize light energy and alter electromagnetic field distributions at subwavelength scales. The research field of plasmonics thus integrates nano-photonics with electronics. In contrast, electronics is also entering a new era of spintronics, where spin currents play a central role in driving devices. However, plasmonics and spin-current physics have so far been developed independently. Here we report the generation of spin currents by surface plasmon resonance. Using ​Au nanoparticles embedded in Pt/BiY2Fe5O12 bilayer films, we show that, when the ​Au nanoparticles fulfill the surface-plasmon-resonance conditions, spin currents are generated across the Pt/BiY2Fe5O12 interface. This spin-current generation cannot be explained by conventional heating effects, requiring us to introduce nonequilibrium magnons excited by surface-plasmon-induced evanescent electromagnetic fields in BiY2Fe5O12. This plasmonic spin pumping integrates surface plasmons with spin-current physics, opening the door to plasmonic spintronics.

