Research Abstract


Rapid breeding of parthenocarpic tomato plants using CRISPR/Cas9

2017年3月30日 Scientific Reports 7 : 507 doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00501-4



Risa Ueta, Chihiro Abe, Takahito Watanabe, Shigeo S. Sugano, Ryosuke Ishihara, Hiroshi Ezura, Yuriko Osakabe and Keishi Osakabe

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刑部 敬史
徳島大学 生物資源産業学部

Parthenocarpy in horticultural crop plants is an important trait with agricultural value for various industrial purposes as well as direct eating quality. Here, we demonstrate a breeding strategy to generate parthenocarpic tomato plants using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. We optimized the CRISPR/Cas9 system to introduce somatic mutations effectively into SlIAA9—a key gene controlling parthenocarpy—with mutation rates of up to 100% in the T0 generation. Furthermore, analysis of off-target mutations using deep sequencing indicated that our customized gRNAs induced no additional mutations in the host genome. Regenerated mutants exhibited morphological changes in leaf shape and seedless fruit—a characteristic of parthenocarpic tomato. And the segregated next generation (T1) also showed a severe phenotype associated with the homozygous mutated genome. The system developed here could be applied to produce parthenocarpic tomato in a wide variety of cultivars, as well as other major horticultural crops, using this precise and rapid breeding technique.

