
23,000種以上を対象にした淡水生物の絶滅危機に関する詳細な評価により、調査された種の約24%が絶滅の危機に瀕していることが明らかになった。今週発行のNature に掲載される分析では、汚染、ダム、農業、および外来生物が主な脅威であることが特定された。この調査結果は、淡水生物の多様性の損失を減らすための今後の取り組みに役立つかもしれない。
Catherine Sayerらは、国際自然保護連合(IUCN:International Union for Conservation of Nature)の絶滅危惧種レッドリストのために、多種にわたる淡水生物相の評価結果を発表した。このリストには、23,496種の魚類、十脚類の甲殻類(カニ、ザリガニ、およびエビなど)、およびトンボ類(トンボやイトトンボなど)が含まれている。全体として、これらの種の4分の1近く(24%)が絶滅の危機に瀕しており、十脚類が最も高い割合で絶滅の危機に瀕している(30%、淡水魚は26%、およびトンボ類は16%)。調査対象となった種のなかで、絶滅危惧種の54%は汚染の影響を受けていると考えられ、39%はダムや水の抽出、37%は土地利用の変化や農業に関連する影響、そして28%は外来種や病気による影響を受けていると考えられる。
- Article
- Open access
- Published: 08 January 2025
Sayer, C.A., Fernando, E., Jimenez, R.R. et al. One-quarter of freshwater fauna threatened with extinction. Nature (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08375-z
A detailed extinction risk assessment of freshwater fauna, covering more than 23,000 species, reveals that around 24% of the studied species are threatened with extinction. The analysis, published in Nature this week, identifies major threats from pollution, dams, agriculture and invasive species. The findings could help to inform future efforts to reduce the loss of freshwater biodiversity.
Freshwaters are home to more than 10% of all known species and this diversity offers multiple benefits, such as nutrient cycling, flood control and climate change mitigation. Freshwater ecosystems are affected by biodiversity loss, but comprehensive assessments of species extinction risks within these ecosystems have been lacking.
Catherine Sayer and colleagues present results of the multi-taxon global freshwater fauna assessment for The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, which includes 23,496 fishes, decapod crustaceans (such as crabs, crayfishes and shrimps) and odonates (such as dragon flies and damsel flies). Overall, close to one-quarter (24%) of these species are at high risk of extinction, and decapods have the highest percentage of species threatened (30%, as compared to 26% for freshwater fishes and 16% for odonates). Among the studied species, 54% of threatened species are considered to be affected by pollution, 39% by dams and water extraction, 37% by land use change and associated effects from agriculture, and 28% by invasive species and disease.
These results highlight the urgent need to address threats to prevent further species declines and losses, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08375-z
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