
古代ギリシャの碑文を復元できるように訓練されたディープニューラルネットワークを複数の歴史学者が利用すると、最高72%の精度が達成されることを示唆する論文が、今週Nature に掲載される。今回の研究で得られた知見は、新たに発見された碑文や不明瞭な碑文の復元と作成年代や作成場所の推定を、スピードと正確さを向上させることで支援し、古代史の理解を進めることができるかもしれない。
今回、Yannis AssaelとThea Sommerschieldたちは、現在の碑文研究の手法の制約を克服するため、古代ギリシャの碑文の復元や作成年代・作成場所の推定ができるように訓練された人工知能の一種であるディープニューラルネットワーク(「イサカ」と命名)を検証した。Assaelたちは、イサカ単体で損傷した碑文を復元する場合に62%の精度が達成され、複数の歴史学者がイサカを利用した場合に72%の精度が得られることを明らかにした。また、イサカが碑文の作成場所と作成年代を特定するためにも役立つ可能性も明らかになった。今回の研究における実験で、イサカは、71%の精度で碑文の作成場所を推定し、作成年代の推定も、歴史学者によって提案された作成年代から30年未満の範囲内におさまった。
A deep neural network trained to restore ancient Greek texts can do so with 72% accuracy when used by historians, suggests a Nature paper. The findings could assist with the restoration and attribution of newly discovered or uncertain inscriptions with improved speed and accuracy, advancing our understanding of ancient history.
To understand the history of ancient civilizations, historians study the inscriptions created by past individuals, written directly on materials — such as stone, pottery or metal — that have survived until today. However, many inscriptions have been damaged over the centuries. Their texts are now illegible and their date of writing is uncertain. Specialists in the study of inscriptions, known as epigraphers, can reconstruct missing texts, but their traditional methods are highly complex and time-consuming.
To overcome the constraints of current epigraphic methods, Yannis Assael, Thea Sommerschield and their colleagues tested a deep neural network (named Ithaca), a type of artificial intelligence that was trained to restore, date and place ancient Greek inscriptions. The authors found that Ithaca could achieve 62% accuracy when used alone to restore damaged texts, and 72% accuracy when it is used by a historian. Additionally, Ithaca could also help to determine inscriptions’ place and date of writing; in their experiments, it attributed inscriptions to their original locations with 71% accuracy and dated them to less than 30 years from the date ranges proposed by historians.
The findings could unlock the cooperative potential between artificial intelligence and historians, and improve our understanding of human history.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04448-z
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