
今回、Jason Flannickたちの研究グループは、5つの祖先集団の2型糖尿病患者群2万791人と対照群2万4440人を対象としたエキソーム塩基配列解読について報告している。これは、エキソーム配列が解読された2型糖尿病症例の解析としても、特定の疾患症例の解析としても、これまでで最大規模のものである(これまでの最大標本サイズは1万症例未満)。今回の解析では、まれなバリアントの遺伝子レベルの関連が新たに特定され、確立された2型糖尿病の遺伝子標的において大きな効果量を有するまれなバリアントの有意な関連を検出するためには約7万5000~18万5000症例が必要と考えられることが示された。今回の結果は、複合疾患の理解を進める上で、ゲノム規模関連解析と共にエキソーム塩基配列解読を行うことが有益であることを実証している。
The largest known exome sequence analysis of patients with type 2 diabetes and controls, published online in Nature this week, identifies new rare variants associated with the disease. Exome sequencing is used to identify the protein-coding regions in the genome that might have a role in disease development. These findings may help to improve the way that type 2 diabetes is characterized and treated.
The exome is the portion of the genome that encodes functional proteins. Variants that have strong effects on protein function or diseases can offer insights into the role of particular genes in disease risk. It is predicted that these variants are likely to be rare, and are difficult to detect using genome-wide association studies. Exome sequencing has been expected to improve detection, but relatively few significant rare-variant associations for complex diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, have been identified, which may be in part due to limited sample sizes.
Jason Flannick and colleagues report an exome sequence analysis of 20,791 patients with type 2 diabetes and 24,440 controls across 5 ancestry groups. This is the largest published analysis of exome-sequenced cases of type 2 diabetes (the previous largest sample size was less than 10,000 cases), specifically, and of any disease, more generally. Their analysis identifies new rare-variant gene-level associations, and indicates that around 75,000-185,000 cases may be needed to detect significant rare-variant associations with large effect sizes in established type 2 diabetes gene targets. These results demonstrate the value of exome sequencing, alongside genome-wide association studies, for improving our understanding of complex diseases.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1231-2
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