
今回Flaminia Catterucciaたちの研究グループは、雌のガンビエハマダラカ(Anopheles gambiae)をアトバコン(既にヒトに用いられている抗マラリア薬)などのマラリア原虫阻害剤に曝露させると、熱帯熱マラリア原虫(Plasmodium falciparum)の発生と伝播が阻止されることを実証した。この阻止作用は、低用量のアトバコンと最短で6分間(蚊が交尾相手を求めて蚊帳に止まっている時間にほぼ等しい)の曝露時間で達成された。アトバコンは、熱帯熱マラリア原虫の細胞中のミトコンドリアの正常な機能を阻害して、マラリア原虫を死滅させ、マラリアの伝播を防止するが、ガンビエハマダラカの生存と繁殖には影響はなかった。また、Catterucciaたちは、アトバコンと同じ標的に作用する他の薬剤でも同じ効果が見られたことを報告しており、このことから、蚊の体内にいる熱帯熱マラリア原虫の活動を停止させる上で、マラリア原虫のミトコンドリア機能が適切な標的であると示唆される。
Efforts to block malaria transmission could be boosted by treating bed nets with antimalarial drugs in addition to insecticides. This strategy, proposed in a study published online this week in Nature, may aid efforts to control malaria in areas with insecticide-resistant mosquito populations.
One of the most effective methods to prevent malaria spread has been the use of bed nets sprayed with insecticide. However, Anopheles mosquitos are becoming resistant to insecticides and the risk of malaria spread is on the rise. New approaches to control this disease are urgently needed.
Flaminia Catteruccia and colleagues demonstrate that exposing female Anopheles gambiae mosquitos to parasite inhibitors, such as atovaquone (an antimalarial drug already used in humans), blocks the development and transmission of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. This effect is achieved with low doses of the drug and with exposure times as low as six minutes, similar to the amount of time mosquitos rest on bed nets while seeking a host. Atovaquone inhibits the normal functioning of the mitochondria in the cells of P. falciparum, killing the parasite and preventing transmission without affecting mosquito survival and reproduction. Similar effects are seen with other drugs that act on the same target as atovaquone, the authors report, which suggests that parasite mitochondrial function is a good target for arresting P. falciparum within mosquitoes.
The authors model how the observed effects would affect malaria transmission dynamics. They predict that the inclusion of P. falciparum inhibitors on mosquito nets could substantially mitigate the global health impact of insecticide resistance.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-0973-1
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