
今回、Massimo Vergassolaたちの研究グループはこの課題に取り組むため、「強化学習」という手法を用いた。強化学習は、動的な機械学習の手法で、子どもが学習する場合とかなり似ており、人工エージェントが環境との相互作用によって学習し、正しい行動を取った場合には「報酬」が、間違った行動を取った場合には「罰」が与えられるというものだ。Vergassolaたちは、翼長2メートルのグライダーをプログラムして、機上での周辺環境の測定値に基づいて、空中でのロールとピッチを調節できるようにした。数日間の試験飛行によって得られたグライダーの集団体験をプールして、鉛直風の加速度とロール方向のトルク(グライダーを横方向に回転させるように作用する力)を航行の手掛かりとする航法が考案された。Vergassolaたちは、この方法が屋外実験で成功したことから、鳥類もこのような手掛かりに依存している可能性があるという考えを示している。
Mechanical gliders can learn to soar like birds with the help of machine learning, reports a study published online this week in Nature.
Soaring birds ride warm, rising air currents - or ‘thermals’ - to fly and gain height without needing to flap their wings. However, the landscape of these currents is complex and continuously changing, and so exactly how birds find and navigate thermals is not understood. Without a full picture, it is hard to teach flying machines to do the same in the field.
To tackle this challenge, Massimo Vergassola and colleagues turn to so-called ‘reinforcement learning’. This is a dynamic machine learning technique in which an artificial agent learns by interacting with its environment, much like a child, and is ‘rewarded’ for correct behaviour and ‘penalized’ for poor choices. The authors programmed a two-metre-wingspan glider to adjust its aerial roll and pitch on the basis of on-board measurements of the surrounding environment. By pooling the glider’s collective experiences after a few days of test flights, a navigational strategy was devised, guided by the vertical wind acceleration and roll-wise torque (the force acting to rotate the glider side-to-side) as navigational cues. The authors suggest that the success of this strategy in the field indicates that birds might also rely on such cues.
The authors note that being able to soar along an individual thermal is just one part of how migrating birds - or their mechanical mimics - can safely undertake quick journeys across hundreds of kilometres. Future, supplementary research into the navigational cues that could help to identify strong updrafts will further enhance our understanding of how birds migrate and could aid in the development of efficient long-distance autonomous gliders.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0533-0
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