
今回、Harry Siviterたちの研究グループは、実験室環境でセイヨウオオマルハナバチ(Bombus terrestris)のコロニーをスルホキシイミン系殺虫剤の一種であるスルホキサフロルに曝露させた上で、野外環境中に放出すると、セイヨウオオマルハナバチの働きバチと繁殖能力のある雄の生産量が有意に減少することを明らかにした。この実験で、成長期の初期にあった25のコロニーを控えめな量のスルホキサフロルに2週間曝露させたところ、曝露後2~3週間でこれらのコロニーと26の対照コロニーとの間で個体数の差が生じ始め、この差は、コロニーの生活環が完了するまで持続した。スルホキサフロルに曝露されたコロニーでは、繁殖能力のある仔が54%減少した。この結果は、コロニーの生活史の初期段階においてセイヨウオオマルハナバチの小規模コホートがスルホキサフロルに曝露されると、コロニーの適応度に長期的な影響が及ぶ可能性のあることを示唆している。これに対して、採餌行動や花粉量に差はなかった。
A novel class of pesticides, expected to be a key replacement for neonicotinoids, may have sub-lethal effects on bumblebee colonies, reports a paper published online in Nature this week.
Sulfoximine-based pesticides have been shown to be effective in targeting neonicotinoid-resistant species and have been approved for use in China, Canada and Australia, with licence applications progressing in several EU member states. However, the two classes of pesticide share a common biological mode of action and the sub-lethal effects of sulfoximines on pollinators have not yet been fully investigated.
Harry Siviter and colleagues found that bumblebee colonies exposed to the sulfoximine pesticide sulfoxaflor in a laboratory setting produced significantly fewer workers and reproductive male bumblebees once released into a field setting. Twenty-five colonies were exposed to conservative doses of sulfoxaflor for two weeks during the early growth phase, and differences between these colony populations and the 26 control colonies began to emerge 2-3 weeks post-exposure and persisted until the end of the colony lifecycle. Treated colonies experienced a 54% reduction in reproductive offspring, suggesting that the exposure of a small cohort of bumblebees in the early stages of a colony’s life history may have long-term consequences for colony fitness. However no changes in foraging behaviour or pollen load were observed.
The authors suggest that sulfoxaflor exposure could lead to similar environmental impacts on pollinators as neonicotinoids in the absence of evidence-based legislation. They call for regulatory bodies to assess both the lethal and non-lethal consequences of novel insecticides before licencing them for use.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0430-6
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