
今回、Kathleen Collinsたちの研究グループは、溶液中で凍結したタンパク質に電子ビームを当てるクライオ(極低温)電子顕微鏡法によって、テロメラーゼの構造を決定した。臨床でのテロメラーゼの操作に向けた研究の進展は、構造データの不足によって妨げられてきたが、今回の研究で、基質に結合した分子をサブナノメートルのスケールで撮像し、これまでで最も高い分解能のテロメラーゼ酵素の画像が得られた。
The structure of the human telomerase enzyme is reported in Nature this week. With telomerase implicated in cancer and ageing, the findings represent an important step towards the development of telomerase-related therapies.
Telomeres are the protective caps found at the end of chromosomes. They have been likened to the plastic tips found on shoelaces, because they prevent chromosomes from ‘fraying.’ Every time a cell divides, the telomeres become shorter until eventually the cell stops dividing and dies. Telomerase can prevent this by adding DNA to the chromosome tips.
Kathleen Collins and colleagues used cryo-electron microscopy, in which beams of electrons are fired at proteins that have been frozen in solution, in order to determine the enzyme’s structure. Progress towards clinical manipulation of telomerase has been hampered by a lack of structural data. Here, the molecule is pictured bound to its substrate at sub-nanometre scale, making it the highest resolution image of the telomerase enzyme to date.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0062-x
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