Research press release





ECSの推定値を算出する試みの多くは、過去の温暖化記録や過去の気候の再構築を用いていた。しかし、過去の温暖化記録による方法は、海洋による熱の取り込みに伴う不確実要因や正味の放射強制力に対するエーロゾルの寄与など数々の要因に影響されるため、推定値の精度が影響を受けることがある。今回のPeter Coxたちの論文には、温暖化傾向自体ではなく、過去に観測された気温変動に基づいたECSの確率分布が示されている。Coxたちは、ECSの推定幅を摂氏2.2~3.4度とし、気候変動に関する政府間パネルの推定幅である設置1.5~4.5度と比べてECSの不確実性が60%小さくなった。また、Coxたちの方法を用いることで、摂氏4.5度超、摂氏1.5度未満といったECSの推定値は不適切なものとほぼ断定することができる。

A new constraint on a key metric that is used to gauge Earth's response to increasing carbon dioxide - the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) - is presented in a paper published this week in Nature. The analysis suggests that extremely high estimates of this sensitivity can be ruled out.

ECS is defined as the global mean warming that would occur if the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration doubled. It is a key tool for discussing and comparing climate models and an important point of policy discussions, including international climate change agreements. However, a range of ECS estimates have been calculated, which have been hard to reconcile.

Many attempts to constrain ECS have used either the historical warming record or reconstructions of past climates. Methods based on historical warming are affected by multiple factors - including uncertainties in ocean heat uptake and the contribution of aerosols to net radiative forcing - which can affect the accuracy of the estimate. Peter Cox and colleagues now present a probability distribution of ECS, based on the observed historical variability in temperature, rather than the warming trend itself. The authors determine a likely range for ECS of 2.2 - 3.4 degrees Celsius, which is a 60% reduction in uncertainty compared to the estimate from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of 1.5 - 4.5 degrees Celsius. In addition, this approach allows the authors to almost exclude ECS estimates above 4.5 degrees Celsius or below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

doi: 10.1038/nature25450

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