
今回、Niels Aageたちの研究グループが開発したスーパーコンピューターによる形態形成ツールは、10億ボクセル以上が関係するギガボクセルの分解能で設計を生成できる。(ボクセルはピクセルを立体化した三次元の画素である。)この分解能は、現在利用可能な方法の約500万ボクセルの設計分解能をはるかに超えており、その結果として材料の再分布が改善される。次にAageたちは、このツールを実証するために、荷重を支える航空機の翼の内部構造の設計に適用した。そしてAageたちは、最適設計によって現在の翼と比べて2~5%(翼当たり200~500キログラムに相当)の軽量化を図れることを示した。また、この軽量化を燃料の節約に換算すると、航空機1機当たり年間40~200トンの燃料が節約できる可能性のあることが示唆されている。Aageたちは、現時点でこの設計は実現可能ではない点に注意を要するとしつつ、風力タービンの翼と塔、送電用鉄塔、橋などの構造物の将来的な設計アプローチに着想を与えるようになってほしいと考えている。
A supercomputer-based tool that can optimize the internal structure of a full-scale aeroplane wing with unprecedented level of detail is described in Nature this week.
In engineering, a technique called computational morphogenesis is used to determine the best possible shapes and material distributions to achieve specific objectives, such as maximizing performance or minimizing weight or cost. Within this field, topology optimization involves redistributing material within a predetermined design domain, not unlike natural bone-growth processes. Traditional topology optimization is used routinely in the automotive and aerospace industries, among others. However, owing to the limited resolution of the approach, its use is restricted to the design of components and simple structures.
Niels Aage and colleagues developed a supercomputer-based morphogenesis tool that produces designs with giga-voxel resolution, involving more than one billion voxels (three-dimensional equivalents of pixels). This resolution is far greater than that of currently available methods - which have design resolutions of about five million voxels - and thus enables better material distribution. To demonstrate the tool, the authors applied it to the design of the load-carrying internal structure of an aeroplane wing. They show that the optimized design would yield a weight saving of 2 to 5 per cent compared to current wing designs, corresponding to 200 to 500 kilograms per wing. Converting this weight reduction into fuel savings suggests a potential saving of 40 to 200 tonnes of fuel per year per aeroplane. The authors caution that the fabrication of this design is currently not feasible but hope that it will inspire future design approaches for a range of structures, including wind turbine blades, tower masts and bridges.
doi: 10.1038/nature23911
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