
地球のオーロラは、「南極光」、「北極光」とも呼ばれ、太陽からの荷電粒子が大気圏に進入する際の相互作用によって発生する。ここには2つのプロセスが関わっており、強いオーロラは、電子の加速によって発生し、弱いオーロラは、磁気的にトラップされた電子の散乱によって発生する。この電子加速のプロセスが、木星のオーロラ放射の原因機構だとする仮説が示されているが、ジュノーの当初の観測結果に、そうしたプロセスを示す証拠は見つかっていない。その後のジュノーによる上空からの観測では電子加速が検出されたが、その現象からは強いオーロラは得られないと考えられることが、このBarry Maukたちの論文で報告されている。むしろMaukたちの観測結果からは、木星のオーロラの発生プロセスが、地球の弱いオーロラの発生プロセスに似ていることが示されている。
Jupiter’s aurora behaves in a different way from Earth’s, according to a paper in this week’s Nature. Auroral emissions from Jupiter are much more powerful that those from Earth and thus they were thought to be generated by processes similar to those responsible for Earth’s strong auroral emissions. New observations made by NASA’s Juno mission suggest that this is not the case.
Earth’s auroras, also known as the southern or northern lights, are produced by interactions between charged particles from the Sun as they enter the atmosphere. Two processes are involved: intense auroras are generated by acceleration of electrons, whereas weaker aurora arise from scattering of magnetically trapped electrons. The former has been assumed to be the mechanism responsible for auroral emissions from Jupiter, although early observations from the Juno spacecraft found no evidence of this process. During subsequent flyovers, Juno has detected accelerating electrons, but this phenomenon does not seem to yield intense aurora, Barry Mauk and colleagues report. Instead, their observations indicate that Jupiter’s auroras are generated by processes similar to those responsible for Earth’s weaker aurora.
These findings provide insights into how different planets interact electromagnetically with their space environments. However, more data are needed to understand how these different processes work.
doi: 10.1038/nature23648
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