
今回、Hudson Pinheiroたちの研究グループは、島嶼部の水生環境を形作るさまざまな過程を詳しく解明するためにブラジル沖の火山性海山列と島嶼部においてサンゴ礁魚類10種の進化史を調べた。海水準変動は、海洋での種分化に影響を与えていたことが判明したが、同じことは陸生種にも見られた。しかし、Pinheiroたちは、魚類は陸生生物よりも分散能力が高く、陸生生物と異なり、移住によってニッチの大半を占有して、生息地での多様化を防止していたことを指摘している。そして、時間の経過とともに分散能力の低い生物種がランダムに蓄積すると海洋生物の種分化速度が上昇した。従って、島嶼部の地理と地質史と海水準変動が海洋生物の多様化に及ぼす影響は、若干の類似性はあるものの、陸生生物に対する影響の仕方とは異なっている、とPinheiroたちは結論付けている。
The distribution of marine animals around islands is determined by different processes from those that influence population dynamics of land-based animals, suggests a paper published online in Nature this week. Investigations of island biogeography ― the study of the distribution of species on islands over time ― have focused on the terrestrial residents. This new analysis sheds light on the factors that affect species diversity of marine communities.
To learn more about the processes that shape the aquatic environments of islands, Hudson Pinheiro and colleagues studied the evolutionary history of 10 reef fish species in a chain of volcanic seamounts and islands off the coast of Brazil. Sea-level changes are found to have had an effect on marine speciation, which is also seen in terrestrial species. However, the authors note that the fishes are better at dispersing than land-based organisms, filling most of niches by immigration and preventing in situ diversification, unlike what happens to their terrestrial counterparts. Speciation of marine organisms then increases with the random accumulation of species with low dispersal ability over time. Thus, despite some similarities, island geography, geological history and sea-level fluctuations influence the diversification of marine organisms in different ways than they affect land-based organisms, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/nature23680
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