Dutch elections signal next test for rise in populism p.149
Science is already losing out in the Netherlands.
doi: 10.1038/543149b
array:6 [ 14 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#14188 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection" #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#14202 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal" #_name: null #_shortname: null #_frequence: null #_openAccess: null #_launchDate: null #_type: null #_category: null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14203 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14206 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14210 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14214 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14218 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14222 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14226 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14230 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14234 …34} "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14238 …30} "type" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalType {#14242 …35} "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#14246 …35} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14204 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14205 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "name" => null "shortname" => null "frequence" => null "open_access" => null "paywall" => null "launch_date" => null "type" => null "category" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 14 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_name: "Editorial" #_pluralName: "Editorials" #_shortname: "ed" #_identifier: "ed" #_tocOrder: 2 #_presentInToc: true #_exportable: false #_adddate: Zend_Date {#14297 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1343791229" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_moddate: Zend_Date {#14298 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1358702216" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_lastEditedBy: NPG_System_Model_Record_User {#14200 #_mapperClass: "NPG_System_Model_Mapper_User" #_formClass: "NPG_System_Form_User" #_email: null #_firstname: null #_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14201 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14351 …30} "firstname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14355 …30} "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14359 …30} "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#14363 …31} "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14368 …30} "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14373 …30} "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14377 …30} "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14381 …34} "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14385 …34} "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14389 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14393 …30} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14349 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14350 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "email" => null "firstname" => null "lastname" => null "password" => null "last_login" => null "last_failed_login" => null "n_failed_login" => null "banned" => null "deleted" => null "adddate" => null "moddate" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false #_form: NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection {#14250 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "FormElements" "options" => null ] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "HtmlTag" "options" => array:2 [ …2] ] "Form" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "Form" "options" => null ] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Validate" "path" => "NPG/Validate/" "type" => "validate" ] 1 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Filter" "path" => "NPG/Filter/" "type" => "filter" ] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14253 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "adddate" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14257 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "moddate" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14261 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "last_edited_by" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14265 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "journal_id" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14269 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "name" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14273 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Plural name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "plural_name" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14277 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Shortname" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "shortname" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14281 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Identifier" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "identifier" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14285 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "TOC order" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "toc_order" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14289 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Present in TOC" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "present_in_toc" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14293 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Exportable" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "exportable" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14251 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14252 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: [] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "journal_id" => null "name" => null "plural_name" => null "shortname" => null "identifier" => null "toc_order" => null "present_in_toc" => null "exportable" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 14 #_persisted: true #_validate: false #_foreignKeys: array:2 [ "journal_id" => "14" "last_edited_by" => "1" ] } 24 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#14299 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection" #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#14301 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal" #_name: null #_shortname: null #_frequence: null #_openAccess: null #_launchDate: null #_type: null #_category: null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14345 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14346 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14342 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14338 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14334 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14330 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14327 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14323 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14318 …34} "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14314 …30} "type" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalType {#14310 …35} "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#14306 …35} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14348 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14347 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "name" => null "shortname" => null "frequence" => null "open_access" => null "paywall" => null "launch_date" => null "type" => null "category" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 14 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_name: "News" #_pluralName: "News" #_shortname: "nw" #_identifier: "nw" #_tocOrder: 10 #_presentInToc: true #_exportable: true #_adddate: Zend_Date {#14445 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1343791229" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_moddate: Zend_Date {#14446 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1381783004" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_lastEditedBy: NPG_System_Model_Record_User {#14300 #_mapperClass: "NPG_System_Model_Mapper_User" #_formClass: "NPG_System_Form_User" #_email: null #_firstname: null #_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14302 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14499 …30} "firstname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14503 …30} "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14507 …30} "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#14511 …31} "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14516 …30} "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14521 …30} "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14525 …30} "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14529 …34} "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14533 …34} "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14537 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14541 …30} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14497 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14498 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "email" => null "firstname" => null "lastname" => null "password" => null "last_login" => null "last_failed_login" => null "n_failed_login" => null "banned" => null "deleted" => null "adddate" => null "moddate" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false #_form: NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection {#14398 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "FormElements" "options" => null ] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "HtmlTag" "options" => array:2 [ …2] ] "Form" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "Form" "options" => null ] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Validate" "path" => "NPG/Validate/" "type" => "validate" ] 1 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Filter" "path" => "NPG/Filter/" "type" => "filter" ] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14401 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "adddate" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14405 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "moddate" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14409 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "last_edited_by" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14413 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "journal_id" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14417 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "name" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14421 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Plural name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "plural_name" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14425 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Shortname" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "shortname" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14429 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Identifier" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "identifier" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14433 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "TOC order" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "toc_order" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14437 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Present in TOC" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "present_in_toc" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14441 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Exportable" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "exportable" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14399 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14400 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: [] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "journal_id" => null "name" => null "plural_name" => null "shortname" => null "identifier" => null "toc_order" => null "present_in_toc" => null "exportable" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 24 #_persisted: true #_validate: false #_foreignKeys: array:2 [ "journal_id" => "14" "last_edited_by" => "1" ] } 30 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#14447 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection" #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#14449 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal" #_name: null #_shortname: null #_frequence: null #_openAccess: null #_launchDate: null #_type: null #_category: null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14493 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14494 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14490 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14486 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14482 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14478 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14475 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14471 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14466 …34} "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14462 …30} "type" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalType {#14458 …35} "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#14454 …35} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14496 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14495 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "name" => null "shortname" => null "frequence" => null "open_access" => null "paywall" => null "launch_date" => null "type" => null "category" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 14 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_name: "News Features" #_pluralName: "News Features" #_shortname: "nf" #_identifier: "nf" #_tocOrder: 20 #_presentInToc: true #_exportable: true #_adddate: Zend_Date {#14593 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1343791230" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_moddate: Zend_Date {#14594 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1344461350" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_lastEditedBy: NPG_System_Model_Record_User {#14448 #_mapperClass: "NPG_System_Model_Mapper_User" #_formClass: "NPG_System_Form_User" #_email: null #_firstname: null #_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14450 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14647 …30} "firstname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14651 …30} "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14655 …30} "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#14659 …31} "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14664 …30} "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14669 …30} "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14673 …30} "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14677 …34} "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14681 …34} "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14685 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14689 …30} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14645 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14646 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "email" => null "firstname" => null "lastname" => null "password" => null "last_login" => null "last_failed_login" => null "n_failed_login" => null "banned" => null "deleted" => null "adddate" => null "moddate" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false #_form: NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection {#14546 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "FormElements" "options" => null ] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "HtmlTag" "options" => array:2 [ …2] ] "Form" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "Form" "options" => null ] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Validate" "path" => "NPG/Validate/" "type" => "validate" ] 1 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Filter" "path" => "NPG/Filter/" "type" => "filter" ] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14549 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "adddate" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14553 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "moddate" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14557 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "last_edited_by" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14561 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "journal_id" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14565 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "name" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14569 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Plural name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "plural_name" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14573 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Shortname" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "shortname" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14577 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Identifier" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "identifier" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14581 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "TOC order" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "toc_order" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14585 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Present in TOC" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "present_in_toc" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14589 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Exportable" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "exportable" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14547 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14548 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: [] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } ] #_methods: 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null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14641 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14642 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14638 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14634 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14630 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14626 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14623 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14619 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox 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#_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14746 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ …3] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ …1] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_elements: array:11 [ …11] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ …2] #_methods: array:4 [ …4] #_order: array:11 [ …11] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false 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"NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection" #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#14893 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal" #_name: null #_shortname: null #_frequence: null #_openAccess: null #_launchDate: null #_type: null #_category: null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14937 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ …3] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ …1] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_elements: array:11 [ …11] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ …2] #_methods: array:4 [ …4] #_order: array:11 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[ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14993 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14997 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#15001 …30} "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#15005 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#15009 …30} "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#15013 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#15017 …30} "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#15021 …30} "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#15025 …30} "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#15029 …34} "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#15033 …34} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] 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Science is already losing out in the Netherlands.
doi: 10.1038/543149b
Researchers everywhere should pay more attention to how their subject is presented.
doi: 10.1038/543149a
A ranking of the best science-news outlets misjudges the relationship between research and reporting.
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Researchers are cutting short travel, ending collaborations and rethinking their US ties.
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Company plans a bigger, better system aimed at creating a market for the still-immature technology.
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Artificial-intelligence programs harness game-theory strategies and deep learning to defeat human professionals in two-player hold 'em.
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Editor asked to resign from journal for saying he’ll review only papers whose data he can see.
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Diamond-based imaging system uses magnetic resonance of electrons to detect charged atoms and peer at chemical reactions in real time.
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Analysis paints picture of diets, medicine and possible intimacy with humans.
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The authors use modelling to show that the network of trading routes known as the Silk Road emerged from hundreds of years of interactions between pastoralists as they moved their herds and flocks between higher and lower elevations in generally mountainous regions.
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A catalogue of human long non-coding RNA genes and their expression profiles across samples from major human primary cell types, tissues and cell lines.
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Loss of autophagy increases the accumulation of mitochondria and the respiration status of haematopoietic stem cells, which perturbs their self-renewal and regeneration activities, and promotes cellular aging.
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A new protein, Tudor interacting repair regulator (TIRR), affects DNA repair by masking the chromatin interaction domain of 53BP1, thereby preventing its recruitment to double-strand breaks.
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A time crystal is a state of matter that shows robust oscillations in time, and although forbidden in equilibrium, a discrete time crystal has now been observed in a periodically driven quantum system.
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Discrete time-crystalline order is observed in a driven, disordered ensemble of about one million dipolar spin impurities in diamond at room temperature, and is shown to be very stable to perturbations.
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A two-bit magnetic memory is demonstrated, based on the magnetic states of individual holmium atoms, which are read and written in a scanning tunnelling microscope set-up and are stable over many hours.
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Super-resolution optical microscopy based on stimulated emission depletion effects can now be performed at much lower light intensities than before by using bright upconversion emission from thulium-doped nanoparticles.
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Horizontal arrays of metallic or semiconducting carbon nanotubes with controlled chirality are grown from specially designed solid carbide catalysts.
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Phase equilibria modelling of rocks from Western Australia confirms that the ancient continental crust could have formed by multistage melting of basaltic ‘parents’ along high geothermal gradients—a process incompatible with modern-style subduction.
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The discovery of two genes encoded by prophage WO from Wolbachia that functionally recapitulate and enhance cytoplasmic incompatibility in arthropods is the first inroad in solving the genetic basis of reproductive parasitism.
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A single, low-dose intradermal immunization with lipid-nanoparticle-encapsulated nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the pre-membrane and envelope glycoproteins of Zika virus protects both mice and rhesus macaques against infection and elicits rapid and long-lasting neutralizing antibody responses.
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FABP4 and FABP5 are important for the maintenance, longevity and function of CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cells, which use oxidative metabolism of exogenous free fatty acids to persist in tissues and to mediate protective immunity.
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In the presence of GTP, a tubular endoplasmic reticulum network can be reconstituted with only two purified membrane proteins.
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Cryo-electron tomography reveals a detailed view of the structural organization of the lamin meshwork within the lamina of the mammalian cell nucleus.
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The chromatin-reader protein ENL regulates oncogenic programs in acute myeloid leukaemia by binding via its YEATS domain to acetylated histones on the promoters of actively transcribed genes and recruiting the transcriptional machinery.
doi: 10.1038/nature21687
ENL, identified in a genome-scale loss-of-function screen as a crucial requirement for proliferation of acute leukaemia, is required for leukaemic gene expression, and its YEATS chromatin-reader domain is essential for leukaemic growth.
doi: 10.1038/nature21688