
湖沼生態系の水銀汚染を減らすと、わずか数年以内に魚類のメチル水銀汚染が減ることを報告した論文が、Nature に掲載される。今回の知見は、水銀排出量を抑制する取り組みにより、ヒトが魚類の消費を通じて水銀に曝露するリスクを低減できることを示唆している。
人間活動の結果として排出された水銀は、水界生態系に入り、そこでメチル水銀に変換される。メチル水銀は、魚類の体内に蓄積され、ヒトの健康を脅かす強力な神経毒だ。水銀排出量の抑制が、汚染物質であるメチル水銀を食物連鎖から除去する上でどの程度効果的かという点についての我々の理解は限られている。今回、Paul Blanchfieldたちは、魚類汚染の回復に対する水銀規制措置の影響を直接評価するために、15年間の全生態系実験を行った。
Reducing mercury pollution to lake ecosystems can lower methylmercury contamination in fish within just a few years, research published in Nature indicates. The findings suggest that efforts to control mercury emissions can reduce the risk of human exposure through fish consumption.
Mercury released as a result of human activity can find its way into aquatic ecosystems, where it is converted into methylmercury, a potent neurotoxin that accumulates in fish and poses a health threat to humans. Our understanding of how effective controls on mercury emissions might be at removing this contaminant from the food chain is limited. To directly assess the effects of mercury control measures on the recovery of fish contamination, Paul Blanchfield and colleagues carried out a 15-year whole-ecosystem experiment.
For the first seven years, the researchers supplied specific isotopes of mercury (to directly monitor the added mercury) to a remote, undisturbed lake and its watershed in Canada. During this period, the authors recorded an increase in the uptake of this isotopically labelled mercury as methylmercury in the fish within the aquatic ecosystem. Methylmercury concentrations increased by 45–57% in invertebrates (plankton, for example) and small fish (such as yellow perch), and by more than 40% in large fish, such as pike and whitefish populations. Thereafter, mercury additions ceased and the effects on the food chain were observed for eight years. Labelled methylmercury quickly diminished in the smaller fish, with concentrations dropping by at least 85% by the end of the study period. This triggered a subsequent reduction of labelled methylmercury in the larger fish, with concentrations declining by 76% in pike and 38% in whitefish populations.
The rapid reductions in methylmercury contamination observed in this experiment demonstrates the potential for mercury emission controls to improve the safety of fish for human consumption, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04222-7
「Nature 関連誌注目のハイライト」は、ネイチャー広報部門が報道関係者向けに作成したリリースを翻訳したものです。より正確かつ詳細な情報が必要な場合には、必ず原著論文をご覧ください。