
皮質オルガノイドは、実験室で培養され、3次元構造へ自己組織化する細胞塊のことで、発生段階のヒト大脳皮質の特徴をモデル化したものだ。このようなオルガノイドモデルは、脳発生の研究で利用されることが多くなってきているが、発生段階の脳とオルガノイドモデルに存在する細胞や分子のカタログの比較がほとんど行われていないため、オルガノイドモデルがどの程度正確なのかが明らかでない。今回、Arnold Kriegsteinたちの研究チームは、この論点に取り組むために、発生段階のヒト皮質から採取した約20万個の個別細胞の遺伝子発現プロファイルを記録し、それを参照リストとして用いて、オルガノイド培養物の正確性を測定した。
Organoid models of human brain development need improving if they are to faithfully model this early stage of life, a Nature study suggests.
Cortical organoids are lab-grown, three-dimensional, self-assembling balls of cells that resemble the developing human brain. These models are increasingly used to study brain development; however, it remains unclear how accurate they are, because there have been limited comparisons of the catalogue of cells and molecules that exist in the developing brain and in these models. To address this issue, Arnold Kriegstein and colleagues recorded gene expression profiles from about 200,000 individual cells taken from the developing human cortex, and then used them as a reference list to measure the veracity of organoid cultures.
There were some important differences. Cells in the human brain follow distinct trajectories during development, producing a wide and diverse pool of cellular subtypes, but organoid cultures tend to produce less mature cell types. Although human brain cells have region-specific signatures that depend on their position within the cortex, this spatial organisation is also lacking in organoids. Many different types of organoids can be grown, so the authors hope that their study and the catalogues they provide will help others to gauge the appropriateness of their tissue culture systems.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-1962-0
「Nature 関連誌注目のハイライト」は、ネイチャー広報部門が報道関係者向けに作成したリリースを翻訳したものです。より正確かつ詳細な情報が必要な場合には、必ず原著論文をご覧ください。