Research Abstract


Mammalian skull heterochrony reveals modular evolution and a link between cranial development and brain size

2014年4月4日 Nature Communications 5 : 3625 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4625


小薮 大輔1,2, Ingmar Werneburg1, 森本 直己3, Christoph P. E. Zollikofer3, Analia M. Forasiepi1,4, 遠藤 秀紀2, 木村 順平5, 大舘 智氏6, Nguyen Truong Son7 & Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra1

  1. チューリッヒ大学 古生物学博物館 (スイス)
  2. 東京大学 総合研究博物館
  3. チューリッヒ大学 人類学博物館(スイス)
  4. アルゼンチン国立科学技術研究評議会(アルゼンチン)
  5. ソウル国立大学校 獣医科大学(韓国)
  6. 北海道大学 低温科学研究所
  7. ベトナム科学技術アカデミー 生態学生物資源研究所(ベトナム)
The multiple skeletal components of the skull originate asynchronously and their developmental schedule varies across amniotes. Here we present the embryonic ossification sequence of 134 species, covering all major groups of mammals and their close relatives. This comprehensive data set allows reconstruction of the heterochronic and modular evolution of the skull and the condition of the last common ancestor of mammals. We show that the mode of ossification (dermal or endochondral) unites bones into integrated evolutionary modules of heterochronic changes and imposes evolutionary constraints on cranial heterochrony. However, some skull-roof bones, such as the supraoccipital, exhibit evolutionary degrees of freedom in these constraints. Ossification timing of the neurocranium was considerably accelerated during the origin of mammals. Furthermore, association between developmental timing of the supraoccipital and brain size was identified among amniotes. We argue that cranial heterochrony in mammals has occurred in concert with encephalization but within a conserved modular organization.

