Deconstructing the traditional Japanese medicine “Kampo”: compounds, metabolites and pharmacological profile of maoto, a remedy for flu-like symptoms
2017年10月24日 npj Systems Biology and Applications 3, Article number:32 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41540-017-0032-1

Systems biology of traditional medicine: comprehensive analysis of a traditional Japanese medicine, maoto
Pharmacological activities of Kampo, or traditional Japanese herbal medicine, are putatively mediated by complex interactions between the plant-derived compounds and endogenous molecules. To elucidate these properties, we performed comprehensive phytochemical profiling, and pharmacological and metabolomic analyses of maoto, an herbal remedy for flu-like symptoms. In the plasma of maoto-treated rats, we detected maoto-derived compounds, metabolites produced from the chemical transformation of maoto compounds by host metabolism and gut microbes, and endogenous metabolites that were appeared following maoto administration. In an acute inflammatory rat model, maoto ameliorated symptoms of sickness behavior, suppressed inflammatory cytokines, and extensively affected common metabolites and lipid mediators. These data suggest that the diverse chemical composition of Kampo broadly affects the host’s endogenous metabolism and exerts specific pharmacological effects.